Passion for Homebrewing

Attendees: Tera & Chad, Lance, Mikey, Adam & Krystal, Roach & Kat, Jeremy, Dillon?

Meeting Topics:

Officers for 2024 Session:

President – Tera threw hat in ring – now Tera is our 1st Woman President! VERY COOL!

Vice President – David threw hat in ring – David is now Vice President!

Treasurer – Chad will remain Treasurer.

Secretary – Lance will remain Secretary, Webmaster& Media.


Canyon Lake Womans Club Chili Cookoff Aug. 26thor Sept. 2nd

Lance was asked by Samantha Gorrell of the Womans Club if we could start being at their Chili Cookoff event. Many of the women are in both the Junior Womens Club and they see our booth helping them with event being a big success. This is another great local opporunity for the club – HOWEVER – had to explain that its normally much to short a notice as its right before the Arrowhead event.

After discussion, Mikey and Lance have volunteered to brew 4-6 kegs and will cover this event using the EZ-UP, and kegs on ice in buckets instead of the Club beer wall. Anyone elses help will be appreciated.

Lake Arrowhead Brewfest Sept. 8-9th

Tera will look into getting a house rental. Tentatives for the house are Chad & Tera, Kyle & Sarah, Adam & Krystal, Mikey – Lance is a Tentative.


Merchandise Sales:

Lance will adjust the website to open up T-Shirt and Hat sales to public. Kyle has an unused Square card slidere that Lance can set up to the club account for using at events (with the iPad or mobile phones).

Growing Membership:

Lots of discussion – what we DON’T want is those that think its a drinking club. What we DO want is to hold workshops to attract the serious people that attend events and want to learn how to brew.

Lance will look into holding Brewing Workshops (permits, locations, etc.) so we can plan further (Canyon Lake is pretty lenient with clubs).