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Passion for Homebrewing

Mash Masters,

Meeting reminder February 25th 10:00 am.

We are looking forward to a fun filled day of brewing and eating bomb food. We will be doing a 15 gallon brew with a pot luck lunch.

Mexican Lager:

We will be brewing a Mexican Lager 15 gallons for the May Mash Masters Homebrewing Comp. We will start the brew system up at 10:00am. We want all club members to attend and be apart of this event if possible.

Pot Luck:

I will be providing a meat dish and a few appetizers. I am thinking of doing a Smoked Tri Tip and a IPA Beer Can Chicken.

If you can bring a side dish or a meat product that would be awesome.


Dues are DUE!!!!! You can pay them on the website in the Shop.

We will talk about the upcoming fest and the beers we will be making to please the crowd.

Camp spots

Next Meeting

And Member questions or concerns